honey chai
honey chai | pluck black tea (flavoured blend) | Rwanda & honey | Toronto, Canada his one is special my […]
honey chai | pluck black tea (flavoured blend) | Rwanda & honey | Toronto, Canada his one is special my […]
royal golden yunnan | westholme tea company black tea | Yunnan Province, China Flavour begins with a strong earthy quality that […]
Your secret desire of combining coffee and tea is already a thing. Yuengyeung is a combination of Hong Kong milk […]
black tea | Bihar, India Accessible mixture of malty sweetness with a slight bitter note that adds brightness. The doke […]
Black tea (I recommend Assam) boiled in milk with crushed cardamom and fresh ginger – the perfect tea for…enjoying the […]
oolong + black tea (blend) Sharp layers of complex notes that linger on the palette: dark malty roasted flavour wrapped […]
Empress Grey // This garden tea classic with an unique citrus twist by Marks & Spencer is hard to find […]
Chutney is a glorious spicy-chunky-savoury-sweet fruit invention that can be used as a condiment with meals or desserts. This is […]
black tea (flavoured) Earl grey tea’s distinctive and iconic flavour comes from Chinese black tea enrobed in bergamot oil, first […]
The Kandy region in Sri Lanka produces bright, full-bodied black teas which are the favourite go-to cup of my wonderful […]
Lemony sparkly iced tea goodness – take my advice and make a bottle at a time.
black tea | china Lapsang souchong is distinctive due to the added process of smoking the tea with pine wood […]
black tea (blend) | india “Chai” is a term that is tossed around quite a bit, and usually incorrectly. Chai […]
black + green tea (blend, flavoured) | india, china, himalayas There is a lot going on in this cup. Layers […]
black tea (blend) The first “Breakfast Tea” was blended in the late 1800’s, and when Queen Victoria fell in love […]
black tea (blend) What’s the sitch? Two strong flavoured blends -Earl Grey and Vanilla Chai- have combined to create all […]
Called the “champagne of teas” due to the muscatel flavours and astringent mouthfeel of this famous Indian black tea.